Friday, March 28, 2008


Definition: This is the opening in the lens that controls how much light goes through to the film. Apertures are marked in f/stops. The smaller the number, the larger the aperture.

Definition: The opening in a lens that admits light. Except in very simple cameras, the aperture can be varied in size by a diaphragm, which regulates the amount of light passing through the lens. The relative aperture is measured as the focal length of the lens divided by the diameter of the aperture; this is expressed as an f-number: f/8, f/11, and so on.

Definition: The iris in the lens through which light passes to exposed the film. The higher the number, the smaller the amount of light that hits the film.

Definition: A small, circular opening inside the lens that can change in diameter to control the amount of light reaching the camera's sensor as a picture is taken. The aperture diameter is expressed in f-stops; the lower the number, the larger the aperture. For instance, the aperture opening when set to f/2. 8 is larger than at f/8. The aperture and shutter speed together control the total amount of light reaching the sensor. A larger aperture passes more light through to the sensor. Many cameras have an aperture priority mode that allows you to adjust the aperture to your own liking. See also shutter speed.

Definition: Lens opening. The opening in a camera lens through which light passes to expose the film. The size of aperture is either fixed or adjustable. Aperture size is usually calibrated in f-numbers-the larger the number, the smaller the lens opening.

Definition: circular hole in the front of the camera lens which controls the amount of light allowed to pass on to the film.

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